Seeking Karma Read online

Page 2

  My fist is in the air, ready to beat the fucking door in. What am I going to do then? I don’t have a clue. But it involves beating the shit out of Aaron Jones. The door suddenly swings open, and Aaron is standing there, looking at me. “Trent, what’s up man?” His jeans are still unbuttoned, and he has his shirt in his hand. I look over his shoulder, at the girl standing next to his bed. She’s wearing a pair of shorts, and her arm is covering her bare chest. Her eyes are wide as she gapes at me. Her green eyes. She’s definitely not Karma, not even close. I release a long breath, and relax my shoulders. I’m not sure what to say. I must look like a raving lunatic. On the one hand, I’m so fucking relieved, I could do a dance. On the other hand, I want to bitch slap, the smug expression right off of his face. He has the most beautiful, perfect girl in the world, and he’s cheating on her! I would happily give my pathetic life for one night with her, and this is how he treats her. I know, I sound like a complete hypocrite. I’ve screwed tons of girls, but that’s different. They all know where I stand, and most importantly, that I’m single.

  I swallow hard. “I was just wondering why you weren’t at the party.” I know, I sound like a complete pussy, but let’s be serious. How can I possibly explain me ease dropping outside of his door, like a little bitch?

  He nods his head back towards the redhead. “I got a little distracted.” He gives me a light punch on the shoulder. “Do you blame me?”

  I nod my head a couple of times, and walk away from him. I have to put some distance between us, before I throttle him.



  My hands are trembling as I pull out another pair of jeans, from my closet. I’ve tried on three different pairs - so far. I have to be careful about what I wear, especially since we’re going to his frat house. If my clothes are too tight and clingy, he’ll accuse me of screwing all of his frat brothers. It wouldn’t be the first time.

  I slip the jeans on, and feel a little better. They’re a pair of older jeans from high school, and they’re a little baggy, plus they’re black. Hopefully, they’ll help me blend into the darkness. I’ve lost quite a bit of weight since I started dating Aaron. My nerves are completely shot and I don’t have much of an appetite anymore. I find a dark green t-shirt, and slip it over my head. There, that should do it. I check my reflection in the mirror on the back of the door. Yep, nothing sexy about me. I even pulled my hair back into a ponytail. Fortunately, my eye has mostly healed, so I don’t need a lot of make-up. Just a thin layer of foundation, blush, and gloss. I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard.

  I turn around and look at Anna. It must be nice to dress any way she wants. She’s wearing a pair of denim cut-offs, showing off her long legs. She’s matched it up with a barely there white tank top. Her dark hair is curled and, hanging down her back. Standing next to her, I look completely frumpy. I definitely won’t have to worry about anyone noticing me. She’s a total knock out.

  She picks up her phone, and keys off of the desk. “You ready to go?” It’s just a little after nine, and my mouth feels like it’s filled with sand. What if we get there too early and he isn’t drunk enough? What if we’re already too late, and he’s so trashed he doesn’t even recognize me? What if he doesn’t care that there are tons of people, and kills me anyway? All of the “what-ifs” have my head spinning. I lean forward, and wipe my sweaty palms onto my jeans.

  “Hey,” Anna puts her hand on my shoulder. “It’s going to be okay. I’ll be right by your side.” She assures me, squeezing my shoulder.

  I nod my head and straighten up. I can do this. I promise myself. I feel numb as we climb into the elevator. Several seconds later, the elevator dings and the doors slide open. I feel like my heart is in my throat. We shuffle forward, and I sigh at all of the people in the main room. They all look so happy. It must be nice. I just hope that after tonight, if I live through it, I can be happy again.



  I’ve completely given up on all hopes of seeing Karma tonight. As big of a dumbass as Aaron is, even he wouldn’t fuck some random girl in his room - if he’d invited his girlfriend. I shake my head with disgust. I still can’t believe she’s with such a loser. What is she thinking?

  I re-filled my plastic cup. Yep, that’s right. My plan on staying semi-sober flew right out the window - when I realized she wouldn’t be here. I glance out past the fire, and see Aaron making out with another girl - right in front of God and everybody. If only Karma could see him now. Maybe she’d wise up and dump his sorry ass.

  I spot my buddy Dave, with his girlfriend, Sherry, standing not too far from Aaron, and make my way over to them. Dave is a pretty decent guy. At least, he doesn’t fuck around on his girl.

  “Hey Trent, you flying solo tonight?” He grins at me. Most people around here aren’t used to seeing me wondering around alone. I usually have a girl on my lap, or in my room.

  I nod my head a couple of times. “For now.” As I look more closely at all the half- naked girls, I realize none of them are doing it for me. Ever since I realized that my dream girl – literally – is right here on campus, none of the other girls seem remotely good enough. It’s her that I want – Karma. Deep down, she’s all I’ve ever wanted, and I won’t quit until I make her mine.

  “Come on Karma! Don’t wuss out on me now!” My head snaps back in the direction, where I heard her name. Holy hell! She’s here! There’s another girl pulling her around the side of the house. Karma keeps pulling back shaking her head frantically. I glance in Aaron’s direction. He’s still grinding on the girl, completely oblivious to her being here. “I’ll catch you guys later,” I tell Dave and Sherry.

  I start making my way towards where Karma and the girl, appear to be arguing. I’m careful to stick to the shadows. The last thing I need is for her to realize what a complete obsessed psycho I’ve become. I get close enough to hear their conversation, but far enough away - that, they hopefully won’t notice me.

  “I can’t do it.” Karma says, dropping her face into her hands.

  “You have to!. You’re here. Don’t back out now,” the other girl pleads to her.

  “But I’m scared. What if he…” Her words trial off and she starts backing away.

  What? She’s scared? What could she possible be scared of? It better not be that fuck-head, Aaron. I’ll bury that son of a bitch on the spot! I’m ready to go over to them, to try to make conversation, when Karma stills.

  “Okay, I’ll do it.” Her voice is trembling. “But I need a beer first.”

  The other girl nods her head. “A little liquid courage never hurt anyone.” She takes Karma’s hand, and starts pulling her towards the bonfire. I wait for several seconds - before I follow them. Now that I have her in my sights, I’m not letting her go.



  I’m halfway through my second beer - and I still have zero courage. If anything, it seems to be having the opposite effect. My hands are shaking so badly - I can barely get the cup to my mouth. What in the hell am I doing here? I should have never let Anna talk me into this. I mean, she was right. There are definitely tons of people here, but most of them are completely wasted. It’s not like they could do anything if Aaron does start wailing on me - and let’s face it, I’m pretty sure he’s going to. Why would he pass up a golden opportunity to kick my ass? Especially, when I’m giving him such a good reason. I’m at his freaking frat house, for Christ’s sake!.

  “Karma,” Anna’s tapping my shoulder.

  “What?” - I force out around the huge lump in my throat. I’m pretty sure I’m going to vomit.

  She has a solemn expression on her face. “I found Aaron.” I turn around and follow her gaze. Yep, that’s Aaron. My boyfriend, with his hands all over some girl. Watching him grind against her, I’m pretty sure they’ll screw really soon. I really don’t care that he’s cheating on me. I’ve heard the rumors for months. Is it wrong to wish that he would find someone else, and l
eave me the hell alone? Because, I do. I desperately want to get away from him. Sure, it sucks having all of these people know. They’ve probably been laughing behind my back for awhile.

  I don’t even feel my legs move - until I realize Anna - is dragging me towards them. This is not going to end well. “Hey!,” Anna pokes Aaron in the back with her finger. “Aaron!” She shouts in his ear. He pulls back, and I swear, I can hear a suctioning sound, like a plunger, when their lips part. He blinks at Anna a couple of times, and then his eyes fall on me.

  “What in the fuck are you doing here?” He asks, narrowing his eyes. My heart feels like it’s going to beat right out of my chest – and run away to hide. I don’t blame it. That’s exactly what I want to do.

  Anna nudges me with her elbow. “Go ahead. It’s now or never!” She reminds me. I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. Oh My God! I don’t think I can do this. I can’t seem to draw in a decent breath. I think I might be hyperventilating. My ears are ringing, and I feel like I’m going to faint.

  I squeeze her hand so tight, I’m pretty sure I’m going to break it. “I-I…” I clear my throat a couple of times. I’m so freaking nervous it comes out sounding all garbled.

  His brows are creased, and he looks beyond pissed. “I asked you a question, Karma.” He growls. I flinch back waiting for the blow.

  “She’s here to dump your sorry ass!.” Anna answers for me - after what feels like an eternity.

  He doesn’t take his death glare off of me. “That’s not your decision to make.” He steps forward, causing me to cower back.

  “Karma? What kind of name is that?” The girl he’d been making out with says. She’s smirking at me.

  Aaron’s lips twist up into a sneer. “Oh, you know what they say about Karma.” He looks back at her. “She’s a real bitch.”

  His words piss me off. Sure, I’m scared as hell, but I ball my hands into fists. Anna had to dump him for me! This is beyond mortifying. I side step him, and walk over to the girl. Sure, Aaron terrifies me, but this girl is nothing. I could easily take her on my worst day. I have to make him understand - that I’m serious this time. I can’t take another beating from him. I can’t have sex with him while I’m in pain, and scared. I’m done. To really drive my point home I lean forward - so I’m up in her face. “You can have him.” I’m shocked by how calm I sound. I clear my throat, and say as loudly as I can. “This bitch is done. I hope you have good medical insurance.” There, at least I gave her some kind of warning. I squeeze Anna’s hand for some much needed support, and turn my back on them.

  For a few seconds, as we swiftly make our way across the lawn, I actually think he’s finally going to leave me alone. All hope disappears when I feel a hand wrap around my neck, and I’m slammed onto the ground.



  I’m blinded with a rage I’ve never experienced - before. Not even when I was younger, and had to watch Dad beat Mom. I hadn’t been old enough to do anything about it - then. This time I am. Seeing Karma, lying on the ground, reminds me of the way Mom looked, that night. My ears are ringing too loudly to hear if she’s crying, but when Aaron snapped his arm back, like he was going to hit her. I fucking lost it. My legs were moving before my head could catch up - to what was happening. I don’t even remember reaching him.

  I keep punching him in the face, throat - anywhere I can reach. He was going to hit her! Fuck that! He has to pay! He’s going to pay! I can’t even recognize his face - now, but I don’t stop. If he’s still breathing, it’s not enough. He’s a complete waste of oxygen. Several times I feel hands on me, trying to pull me off of him. I manage to jerk free each time.

  “How does it feel, Aaron?” I yell, as I bring my fist down on top of his skull. “Do you like it?” I know he can’t hear me. He stopped trying to fight back. Hell, he only threw one punch. He missed by a long shot.

  “Trent!” Someone shouts my name. “That’s enough, man!” What? No! I’m being dragged across the lawn. No matter how much I try to get free, it’s not happening. “Go and check on him.” I look up and see Dave, pointing in the direction - where the bloody heap, formerly known as Aaron, is lying.

  My chest is rising and falling rapidly. I look around for Karma, but I don’t see her anywhere. Is she okay? Ah hell! “What the fuck was that?” Dave asks harshly, shaking his head at me. “Were you trying to kill him?”

  “Where is she? Is she okay?” I could care less if Aaron is dead, or not. I never liked the guy, and after seeing the way he treated Karma, I hate him even more. He doesn’t deserve to live. Its guys like him that give us all bad names.

  “What girl?” I gape at him. Did he not see Aaron shove her onto the ground?

  “The one Aaron shoved onto the ground.” I push up onto my feet, still looking for Karma. I have to be sure she’s okay. I have to find her. She needs me, and she was there for me - when no one else was.

  Dave shakes his head, looking confused. “Aaron pushed a girl onto the ground?” He makes it sound like it isn’t a big deal. Okay, I guess he didn’t see it. Oh yeah, that’s right - I’m the one obsessed with Karma. I’m probably the only one that saw it. Shit! I have to find her, now! But how?

  “Trent, what got into you? It took me, Gabe, and Ricky - to pull you off of him. We had to call an ambulance.” No one knows about what happened with my birth parents. Hell, they don’t even know I was adopted. It’s none of anyone’s business. It makes it hard to justify my actions. I’m sure as hell not going to tell him.

  I shrug my shoulders, making light of the situation. “I don’t like it when douche-bags hit girls. It pisses me off.” I can’t keep the bitterness out of my tone.

  Dave holds his hand up. “Wait, I thought you said - ‘he shoved her onto the ground.’”

  I nod my head. “He did. He was getting ready to hit her, but I got there first.”

  Dave runs his hand through his hair. “Man, this is really fucked up.”

  “Yeah, it is.” I start walking away from him. Hell, after tonight, I’m pretty sure I’m going to be arrested. I have to figure out a way to find her, before that happens.



  “Here,” Anna hands me a glass of water, and two Advil. She scrunches her nose up, as she runs the tips of her fingers across the cut on my forehead. “Does it hurt, badly?”

  I shake my head, and swallow the pills. “No, it’s not too bad.” Actually, this is nothing compared to other beatings I’ve suffered at the hands of Aaron. The guy is evil, pure evil.

  She sits down on the edge of her bed, so she’s facing me. “I’m so sorry, Karma. I never should have talked you into going there.”

  “Hey,” I reach out and clutch her hand. “It’s not your fault. I wanted to do this. I needed to do this.”

  She shakes her head back and forth. “I know he hits you. I’ve seen the marks, but when he shoved you…” She cringes and closes her eyes. “The look on his face – it scared the hell out of me!. I panicked. I didn’t know what to do.”

  I’d been so scared when I hit the ground. I just knew he was going to finish me off. “What stopped him?” I ask her. I don’t think I blacked out or anything. I remember Anna helping me off of the ground, and pulling me towards the car. I remember my head hurting as we drove back to our dorm. What am I missing? “What happened? Why didn’t he hit me?”

  “Some guy pulled him off of you.”

  Oh, so someone did help me. “Who was it?”

  “I don’t know.” She shakes her head. “I’ve never seen him before. He came out of nowhere. I didn’t waste any time. I just grabbed you and got you out of there.”

  “I need to get some sleep.” This is all just too much. I stretch out, and pull my blanket over me. “I have an early class in the morning.” I don’t want to talk about this anymore.

  “Karma,” Anna’s still watching me intently. “Do you think he’ll come after you?” Her voice is barely a whisper.

  I shrug my
shoulders. “I can’t think about that right now. If I do, I won’t get any sleep at all.” I’m about ninety-nine-point-nine percent sure he’ll come after me, but I don’t want to freak her out anymore than she already is.

  I get up early, grab my things, and head to the showers. I’m terrified Aaron is going to be waiting for me. I find myself holding my breath at every corner - half expecting him to jump out at me.

  “Shit!” I lean forward and pick up my razor for the third time. My nerves are completely shot. I’ve spilled half of my conditioner, and my body wash fell over on my foot. I turn the water off, and pick up my shower tote.

  I’ve just rounded the corner when I slam into Anna. She’s already dressed, and has her phone against her ear. “Karma,” she blinks at me with a wary expression.

  “What? What’s wrong?” She looks like she’s just seen a ghost. Oh shit! What if Aaron’s in our room? My hands are trembling as I clutch the towel against my chest.

  She swallows hard and pins me with a look. “Karma, Aaron’s in the hospital.”

  I shake my head back and forth slowly. Surely, I didn’t hear what I think I just heard. “What are you talking about? What happened?”

  “Yeah, thanks for letting me know. I’ll talk to you later.” She switches her phone off, and grabs my elbow, pulling me back towards our room.

  “I don’t have all of the details, yet.” she begins, as we step inside of our dorm room. “Apparently, the guy who pulled Aaron off of you - beat the shit out of him.”

  I’m not for sure how I feel about all of this. Sure, he deserved it. The way he’s beat me, I’m surprised I didn’t end up in the hospital. So, why do I feel bad for him? What’s wrong with me? Why did some random guy take up for me? None of this makes any sense. “Do you know who the guy is?”